S.D. Lyons Inc. will remain open for business. We are accepting all assignments and can complete onsite inspections and reports. However, we are not participating in indoor joint vehicle exams at this time.

Our office location is closed to all visitors. We are taking every precaution to provide a safe work environment as recommended by the CDC. We encourage our clients to visit and utilize our secure online expert portal, AccidentReview.com.

Many insurers have been utilizing AR for quite some time.

New registrations for AR must call or email Sheri McShane at smcshane@sdlyons.com or 508-336-9393, ext. 200 and register. Sheri will set them up in the portal and answer any questions.

We can provide expert opinions on vehicle collision losses, mechanical/electronic issues, vehicle fires and vehicle theft cases within 24 hours at a fixed rate of $200.00 per assignment. There is no charge for an assignment that is outside the scope of AR or there is insufficient data to analyze. There are no geographic boundaries and we process assignments nationwide. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about AR, but I believe you will find the system is quite intuitive.